Dell Xps M1210 Fan Control Software

Dell Xps M1210 Fan Control Software

While playing games, I noticed the temperature got really high (mid 80s). The fan would kick on, I would feel the hot air coming out, but wouldnt hear the fan running. I just installed a fan control program. When I put the fan on high, i can definitely hear the fan running. I have a few questions 1.

How Can I Control My Dell Laptop Fan. If you have one of several Dell Inspiron, Latitude, Precision or XPS laptop. Control the fan in your Dell laptop. Maximizing Your Laptop Performance & Battery: Tips and Tricks. I got my Dell XPS M1210 from Dell. Monitor temperatures and Control Fan Speeds (For Dell.

Is this temp (btw its the cpu temp) normal while playing games (americas army)? I have the integrated graphics card, which plays AA perfectly fine. Is something wrong with my fan, or is it never supposed to be audible?

With the fan control on, I can definitely hear it. Is it bad for the comp to manually control the fan? The program says its for inspiron/latitude/precision notebooks, is it okay to run on my m1210?


So i would assume so. You dont need to worry. I play HL2 on totally top specs for hours on my 1210. Yeah it gets hot, and if you hold your hand infornt of the vent for a while it will burn you. I call it the built in hand warmer But Ive found that the fan is extreamly quiet.

I have heard it at 100% before (HL2 for 4 solid hours), and its quieter then my DVD drive while burning a DVD/CD, so yeah its really quiet. I guess a notebook cooler wouldnt hurt, cooler is always better, but your system will shut down before it heats up to a dangerous level. Click to expand.Your Dell BIOS will handle your game temp control fine. Why have another program running to steal CPU cycles?

Dell Xps Fan Not Working

I use I8kfan, second fan on low, for day to day stuff. This keeps my OC 7900around 50-52C. If I don't use it, the GPU will creep up to 79C! BTW, you have to add 8C to I8kfan or you get lower than true readings. IMHO, I would never try to use a third party fan controler to over ride the BIOS fan high temp trips when gaming. AFAIK, I8kfan is smart enough to bow out when the BIOS kicks fans on low or high as needed during gaming.

Dell Xps M1210 Fan Control Software